
corporate activity artinya

Audio:   contoh corporate activity


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  1. Contribute to the environment through corporate activities
    1. Memajukan aktivitas ramah lingkungan dalam operasi bisnis
  2. 4. We will promote environmentally-friendly corporate activities.
    4. Kita harus mendorong pendekatan yang ramah lingkungan dalam menjalankan bisnis.
  3. Presenting Lintasarta's latest news about awards, corporate activities and CSR.
    Menyajikan berita terbaru Lintasarta seputar penghargaan, kegiatan korporat dan CSR.
  4. KUBOTA REPORT introduces Kubota’s challenges and actions against global issues through its corporate activities.
    LAPORAN KUBOTA memperkenalkan tantangan dan aksi Kubota terhadap masalah global melalui aktivitas perusahaan.
  5. KUBOTA REPORT introduces Kubota's challenges and actions against global issues through its corporate activities.
    LAPORAN KUBOTA memperkenalkan tantangan dan aksi Kubota terhadap masalah global melalui aktivitas perusahaan.

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